Monday, January 13, 2020

2 Kings 2

Again, in this chapter, it’s more of a reflection of a whole rather than a specific verse that stood out.

Elijah had found Elisha some times at the end of 1 Kings (19:19-21), and asked Elisha to follow him. Elisha was plowing a field with oxen at the time, and Elisha killed the oxen and destroyed the yoke and plowing equipment to show he was disconnecting himself with his earthly possession to follow Elijah. 

Now, Elijah was close to death. He told Elisha three times (I love how often things happen in 3’s in the Bible) to stay in the place they were. Each time, Elisha said “I will not leave you.” This reminded me of Ruth’s commitment to Naomi. Three times Naomi told Ruth to go back to Moab, as she had nothing to give her. But Ruth insisted, “Wherever you go, I go.” Were these tests of faith? Possibly. But Elisha stayed with Elijah until it was time for him to depart from the earth. 

Once Elisha has proven himself by not leaving, Elijah granted him a request. Elisha could have asked for anything: money, prosperity, food, power, etc. Instead, he asked for a “double portion of your spirit.” How amazing is that?? If Jesus were to show up today, and fulfill us one request, would we dare ask for double his spirit?? I do believe in the case of Elisha, asking for a double portion was equivalent for the portion regarded for the firstborn son. But still. He was asking for the spiritual power of Elijah. He wanted to take on Elijah’s ministry, which was a powerful one. 

We see in verse 13, Elisha picked up Elijah’s mantle. It wasn’t put on him by God. Elisha made the choice to pick it up and carry whatever burden it may bring. How many times I have prayed “God show me what you want me to do”, waiting for Him to lay something on me, instead of just going out and picking up a mantle (of sorts). I need to be stronger in my faith to start the journey and trust that God will be by my side along the way. Just as Elisha believed. 

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