Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hosea 12

Hosea 12:3-5 The Lord has a grievance against Israel: he shall punish Jacob for his conduct, for his deeds he shall repay him. In the womb he supplanted his brother, and as a man he conteded with God; He contended with the angel and triumphed, entreating him with tears.

Hosea reminds us of the story of Jacob, who while in the womb, wrestled with his brother Esau. Jacob deceived his dying father later to receive his blessing. Later, Jacob married Leah and Rachel. He was forced by their father to work for him before he was allowed to marry Rachel. After working for years for his father-in-law, and helping to cultivate the land, Jacob fled with his wives, children, and much of the animals from his father-in-laws land. During one of the nights on the journey home, Jacob wrestled with a man he did not know. The man said, "You shall no longer be spoken of as Jacob, but as Israel, because you have contended with divine and human beings and have prevailed."

Jacob was never happy with his place in life it seemed. It seemed he was always fighting against God's plans. Yet in the end, Jacob so desparatley wanted God's blessing. The people of Israel have fought against God's plans as well, always scheming with dishonest means, and will end up in exile, just as Jacob had. God needed Jacob's full attention and submission in order to bless him, which is why He set up the wrestling match in the night. Jacob struggled in the match, and wept. It wasn't until the end that God blessed him. It won't be until the end of Israel's wrestling until they are blessed.

The fear and anxiety in our lives are preventing us from completing our wrestling match. We must go to God in prayer, and he will help drive out these fears. We cannot return to the Lord without his help. We too are weak and depend on God. And that is ok. Because God made us to depend on him. Once we realize that we cannot do things without him, once we overcome our own stubbornness, he will bless us.

Jacob wrestling with the angel - Wikipedia

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