Monday, December 1, 2014

Psalm 8

Psalm 8:4 When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place-"

Sometimes I forget to be thankful for the place God has given us to stay while awaiting Heaven. There is a spot on my drive home from work, as I'm going pick up the kids, where I am driving down a big hill, and I can see out a good ways all around me. The view catches my breath, and I given thanks to God's good works then. Sometimes when there is a beautiful sunrise, I will remember to give thanks. Bout quite often in the hustle and bustle of a workday, I will not even notice the scenery as I am driving to work. I won't even pay attention to the blooming trees, or the changing of colors depending on the season. I rarely go outside and  look at the stars unless I am purposefully driving in the dark. 

I need to be more mindful to stop and enjoy what a view God has given us. I'm sure I'm not alone. 

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