So our community started school here in Manhattan, KS, on Wednesday August 26. There were two options for starting school in the school district, one being on-site and the other remote learning. Those choosing remote learning would be using their iPads to connect with their teachers throughout the day, 5 days a week. Those on-site would obviously go on-site, unless we were in a contingency. Depending on the case count (%positive/ total tests taken for a week), we could be on-site, in a hybrid situation, or all distance learning.
We started the school year in the hybrid plan, with the kids going to school 2 days a week and doing online learning 3 days a week. The online days are different than those kids doing remote learning. The on-site teachers still have to teach kids (group B) in the class rooms on the days group A is at home. They have a morning zoom meeting “check in” with the teacher, but the rest of the day they are responsible for completing their assignments that can be found on their Canvas app through the school. Or at least that is what the intended plan is. We are on week two, and I am praying it continues to get better.
You guys, I am not a teacher. God made some really super special people into educators. Thank God for them, because some of us are not cut from that same tree for a reason. I have control issues. And thinking of education material on a whim is WAY outside my control. I can google for hours, print things out, laminate like the best of them, but is it enough? Am I covering enough? And I doing enough? I was able to put somethings together for some pretty cool math games today. We used the rules of Battleship on a 100 sheet, so they could be identifying numbers as well as sinking their siblings ships. We rolled dice and made addition sentences and used Uno cards to compare greater or less than with the numbers. I am worn out. I can’t do this every day.
Yes I know teachers do this education thing on a daily basis. But they have a standard plan and they plan for the week ahead of time, and sometimes the month ahead. They have resources to find state standards work. But even for them, this year sucks. They are having to learn the iPads just as we are. They are having to learn new technology on how to upload their assignments to this new system, as well as prep things for in class work. They are working long hours prepping each week to make sure their kids have something to work with. At least that is how my kids teachers are. I have nothing but positive things to say, because even though it may not be enough to cover a whole day at the moment, what was sent took a lot to prepare. And I needed to remember on that day 6 that it was only day 6. And if they had been in class, they still would be doing “get to know you” games. So I just need to relax, and pull out Chutes & Ladders and be ok with a little extra outdoor play. It will get better. With a little more guidance as to what can count as education, I think I will rock this online learning mom thing. Prayers for the parents who have to work and get through this school stuff after work.
Teachers are beyond awesome .
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