Thursday, April 21, 2022

When the Enemy Lurks Nearby (1 Chronicles 19)

1 Chronicles 18:13 Hold firm and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people…and may the LORD do what is good in his sight.”

When Joab realized he was surrounded on all fronts, instead of fleeing, he trusted in God and stood firm against the enemy. We have evil all around us at all times, and it feels as of late, it is getting closer and closer. There are so many new fads that go against church teachings, life choices that go against church teachings, and the enemy seems life he is right there in our ears whispering false truths. We must stand firm. Christianity is not just a feeling. It is a choice. Staying close to God is a choice. Doing what is right is a choice. We can choose to stand firm again Satan and all his lies, or we can chose to fall in line with human transgression. 

I know that God will hold me up as I stand against the evils of the world. I trust that he will do what is good. I will be courageous in the way of Satan’s lies for the sake of my people. Lord bless me with strength to keep fighting everyday for what you tell us is right. 

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