Typed on April 2.
Everything that is happening around us seems like it belongs in a movie. Have you ever watched Contagion? Kinda like that. Back around the beginning of the year, I remember praying for my friend that 2020 would be better than 2019. She had two miscarriages in 2019 and was pregnant again. We had no idea how quickly this year would begin to deteriorate. She is doing well, nearly20 weeks pregnant with her son. The world however is falling apart.
There was this new virus, COVID-19 smashing all over Wuhan, China, in January. We had heard of crazy viruses before coming from the Asian area, and so little paid attention to it. Then January 19, a man came back to the US from Wuhan, unknowingly bringing the virus with him. In my opinion, he should have been quarantined before leaving China. Because he was on a plane with how many people coming from a place with a known contagious virus??
The virus then found it self on a cruise ship that left Japan on January 20. On January 25, a symptomatic passenger departed the ship in Hong Kong. By then, the virus had spread on the ship. There is no way it wouldn't have, everyone all in a close proximity. Have you ever been on a cruise? Vary rarely are you not around a stranger, unless you are in your cabin sleeping. It was a sad story to hear of their terrible journey, then having to wait in quarantine on the boat. Then we heard they would be letting the people off the boat. This was a big mistake to some people, relief to others. I could see this would be a huge problem, if the virus was indeed as contagious as was being told. But again, many people believed it was being made to look worse than it really was. Additional cruise ships had similar bouts with the virus. It is possible some of the staff had mild symptoms or tested negative (falsely) and were continuing to work. Or the virus had passed so quickly, undetected, from China to other places, by means of people traveling.
On February 26, someone in California tested positive with "no known travel or contact." California was one of the places the Grand Princess cruise ship stopped to pick up passengers. It may not have been known contact, but through that line is how it happened.
March 6, our family traveled to south Louisiana, as it was our kids' spring break. At this point, we had heard it was spreading in the US, but we were still optimistic. We put all this behind us and tried to enjoy our week with our family. Then we heard on March 9 that there was a positive case in New Orleans. Our guess is from the Mardi Gras festivities the week prior, where people from all over the world come to join in the festivities. By March 11, Louisiana cases jumped to 13. The CDC was advising against non-essential travel outside the US. We left Louisiana on March 13, at that point the cases number was up to 51. Louisiana then closed all k-12 schools for 3 weeks. About an hour into our drive home, we learned that Kansas (where we live) also closed k-12 schools for 2 weeks. God, what is happening??
Since then, the COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed. By March 16, the Kansas governor decided to close school buildings the rest of the semester. I had a mini panic attack. Not because I feel ill-equipped at being a homeschool teacher (although I do), but because what is going to happen to our children? Do they finish their current grade? Will they all be held back? What about the parents who can't take off work? Where will their children go? It has definitely been a journey. At this point, we were in a "social distancing" precaution. Staying 6' away from people, not groups larger than 10. Even Mass would be held online! Luckily, many people online have shared resources for the homeschool curriculum. Our schools will be distributing their first 10 day plan this week coming.
We were issued a "stay-at-home" issue from our governor on March 27, as our own states cases jumped from 89 to 160 by that point. And now, we have 482 total. Which is fine, because we weren't really going anywhere as all activities have been cancelled. And yet people are not following the advised precautions. People still think this overplayed. Yet by March 26, Louisiana had over 3500 cases, and over 130 deaths. Now they are at over 6400!! How is this overplayed? I'm so frustrated with people thinking they are in control. People who think they are invincible. I'm struggling being home every day and not getting to go see friends, but we have learned how to conduct Zoom meetings to see each other, so that isn't terrible.
People don't and won't understand this isn't a game until they loose a loved one. I'm praying for my family, as they are all over 14 hours away, and if one dies from this, I won't even be able to be with family for comfort! I won't be able to go home for a service or memorial. This is only going to get worse before it gets better. I hear stories of "virus rebels" and a church that refuses to abide by the rules, continuing their service for 1000+ people this past week! Like they are just spitting in the faces of those who have died because of this virus. God is in control, and I continue to pray daily. This too shall pass, and it will take many with it.
I'm praying for you out there. That your family is provided for and safe from this virus, and that you know God is with you.