Saturday, September 13, 2014

1 Peter 4

S: 1 Peter 4:11 Whoever preaches, let it be with the words of God; whoever serves, let it be with the strength that God supplies, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen

O: Peter tells us here that we should peach and serve, but we should do so only with the words and strength from God. With our gifts from God, we should always glorify God.

A: The best way to bring others to Christ is to show them Christ through our actions. Christians can get a bad rap from those who preach the gospel but don't live it. There are people willing to watch Christians just to point out their flaws, and the second a Christian stumbles, the people will spread it like wildfire. We are human and we will stumble. But we need to see that in only our works, with every gift a share, we do it to glorify Jesus. Because it is through Jesus that we can find God. 

P: Dear God, help me to continue to glorify you and Jesus in all I do. In my "preachings" and in my service to others, may it always be through your word. I want others to see you through me. Amen. 

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