Thursday, September 4, 2014

Esther 1

So again, this is my bible study following with a Good Morning Girls group fronm the Women Living Well website. We are using the SOAP method to record our notes from the passages. Here are mine from the first four days

Esther 1:20 (New American Bible) Thus when the decree that the King will issue is published throughout the realm, vast as it is, all wives will honor their husbands, from the greatest to the least."

observation/ application:
Queen Vashti deliberately disrespected her husbands wishes. He wanted to show his people his beautiful wife, but she didn't want to go. We are called in several places in the bible to respect our husbands as the head of household. Regardless of who is the breadwinner, regardless of whether we think they deserve our husbands deserve our respect. Why? Because regardless of our sins, God still loves and respects us.

Dear God, soften my heart so that I may show respect to my husband as you would. Help me not to hold any faults of his against him. I want to respect him as your Church respect you. 


For some reason my computer is giving trouble about posting all on one post, so i will have to make separate posts. Sorry

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