Wednesday, November 13, 2019

1 Corinthians 14

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This whole chapter talks about those who speak in tongues. I don’t personally know anyone who does, but I’ve heard a friend of a friend does, and I’ve heard people “speaking in tongue” at a religious conference before when I was a teenager. I’ve never understood the tongue part, because it didn’t make sense if someone was (what seemed like) babbling on but no one could understand what they were saying. How could that be interpreted? Well Paul very week explores that same thought in this chapter. Do you or do you know anyone who speaks in tongues?

1: Corinthians 14:26 So what is to be done brothers? When you assemble, one has a psalm, another instruction, a revelation,  tongue, or an interpretation. Everything should be done for building up.

O: Paul stayed earlier in the chapter that the gift of tongues was being used to build the self up, since no one was interpreting for them. Those who has it were allegedly getting closer to God themselves (inflating themselves). Whereas the gift of prophesy builds up the church, because it is used for others to grow in faith and get others closer to God. 

A: We learned in chapter 12 we were all given gifts. Am I using my gifts to build myself up or to build up the church? I think when I am using my gifts of administration with my group, I am helping build up the group. Can that help in turn build the church? I need to pray on that for sure to see if there is a more direct way that I can use my gift for the church’s purpose if I’m not already. I also want to look more closely at the gifts to see if I have another one that I could use more as well. I shouldn’t need to have someone around to “interpret” what I do so others can see God through the work. It should be done so He shines brightly.

K: Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. Thank you for the gifts you have given me. Help me to use these gifts for your favor, so your light shines through me and the church, so the unbelievers may see you.

"Paul was reminding the Corinthian church that all worship and use of spiritual gifts should be done in an orderly way and for the edification of all believers.  Also, they were not to just passively receive a word of encouragement.  He wanted them to participate and give as well.  The goal is that we all learn and are all encouraged.

God wants us to yield the use of our spiritual gift to the Spirit’s leading.  We are not to selfishly use our gift whenever we feel like it. This can lead to confusion and disorder.  If you have been in the church long, most likely you have seen someone cause disorder in the church because they were asserting themselves and their desires.  How can you avoid being the person who causes this?  Write a prayer below asking God to guide you as you use your spiritual gifts." (

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