Had it been in the pre-exilic era (and before Hosea), it would have been around the time of Queen Athaliah, who if you remember from my 2 Kings study, took over the kingdom after her son died in battle. And she was a wicked leader, first killing all of her son's heirs. But she didn't notice that her son's son, Joash, (so her grandson) had escaped her wrath, and eventually came to claim the throne. If Joel was from this time, his prophecy could be related to the upcoming time of Athaliah's wicked rule. Or what would become of their land/people after the exile.
If it were not until after the exile, it could relate to the rule of the Persian empire of the land after the Jews made their return from Babylonia. Which could put Joel around or a little after the prophet Ezra.
Whether it was pre or post exilic, Joel's message is the same: repent and turn to the Lord. He is the only one who can save you.
Stay tuned for my study through Joel. After Joel, I may go back to Ezra and read through all the prophets.
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