So lately, Jeanne has had a disinterst in food. At 18 months, her pediatrician was worried because Jeanne had gone from the 25th %ile to the 10th %ile to the 5th %ile in a few months. She was gaining weight, but not at a fast rate. I tried to explain that I was also that small at that age, and Jeanne didn't sit for long. She was always on the move: running, hopping, skipping, dancing, etc. Still, the pediatrician wanted us to add Pediasure to her diet to make sure she was getting more calories in her diet. (It is weird to use the term "diet" in association with a toddler.)

I hate the little feeling inside of "Am I doing the right thing?" when it comes to this. I know it is a feeling that will be with me forever. I feel like I am. She is happy, energetic, and is gaining weight. Why should I offer sweets just to get her to eat? And who is this growth chart based off of anyway???