From this passage, we gather that we are the chosen daughters of God. He chose us for the ultimate destiny of eternal life with Him. As we learned in Catechism, God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. These attributes and the reading in Ephesians tell us that God knew us before we were formed in the womb. He purposefully chose us to be women; our gender was not an accident. Why? We are women to be the love in the world, and through femininity we will attain ever lasting life.
Our special gift as being a woman is to bear life to the world. Within the womb, life takes precedence. God has entrusted human life to be created by us! We are called to be a mother, whether physically or spiritually. Our souls have been made to bring spiritual life to the world. Whether we physically carry a child in our womb, or help foster/adopt a child, or just guide a child through their religious education, we are raising a spiritual life.
Luke 1:26-45 tells the story of Mary learning that she will give birth to our Savior. Gabriel greets her saying, "Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you." God has chosen Mary long before this date to carry life in her womb that would save us. In the next paragraph, Mary visits Elizabeth, who was pregnant for John the Baptist. As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary's voice, the infant jumped for joy in her womb. Elizabeth greeted Mary saying, "Most blessed are you among women, and blessed if the fruit of your womb." Mary is the perfection of the feminine vocation to be mother.

I encourage you to read the closing statement by Pope John VI said Vatican II. You need to scroll down to where he says "TO WOMEN." It is our job as women of the Catholic church to use the Gospel to help mankind.
I will try to do another blog once I get through the homework. Hopefully I am making sense.