Monday, February 3, 2020

2 Kings 8

S: 2 Kings 8:12 Elisha replied, “Because I know the evil that you will inflict upon the Israelites.”

O: As a prophet, Elisha can get visions from God. Elisha was able to see the destruction Hazael would inflict on Israel as their king. He never mentioned how Hazael would become king.

A: Predestination or free will? This is a tough fight to get in. Elisha saw what was in Hazael’s future. I believe he saw what was ahead for Hazael if Hazael kept on the “path” he was on. Perhaps Elisha was trying to warn Hazael to give him a chance to change his heart. 

I believe God knows our every move. I believe he sees where we will be in our future. But I also believe that future is based on where we are now. And that the free will He gave me could change what He sees for me. We are responsible for every choice we make. If someone chooses to follow a corrupt heart, God did not make him do that. Jesus did come to save us all. I believe people get to choose if they want to be saved by God’s love. 

I am not God. I have no idea what He really has planned for me, for us. No one truly knows. And we won’t know until our judgement day. In the mean time, I’m trusting that God will be by my side throughout it all. And that with His love, I will continue to make the right choices and stay on this path. 

K: Lord, you know the path I am on, and I pray you will stay by my side the entire way. I pray you continue to open and close doors as you see fit for the better of our family. I pray that through my actions, my children can feel your love. 

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