Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Hosea 2

The beginning of this chapter seems to continue in the idea of Israel as a whole being a harlot or prostitute in her relation with God. God is calling the people of Israel to protest against their mother (Israel as a whole). That is Israel does not turn from its ways, God will strip it bare and they will all suffer His judgement.

In verse 5 (of most Bibles-my NAB St. Joseph Ed. has some different verse numbers) it shows Israel trying to justify her idols and things, "I will go after my lovers, she said, who give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, my oil and my drink." It almost seems like a lost cause for Israel and her people, as they refuse to see anything besides themselves and their wants. She doesn't seem to realize that it was because of God that Israel received the things they have. This is the same today. We so quickly forget that it is because of God that we have the blessings in our life. God opened the door to give us the job that provides for the things we have. And if we continue to cling to our things and want more, and ignore God, we may experience the thorns and the wall He promised to build up against Israel.

There is hope for restoration. In many life experiences, people sometimes say, "you have to hit rock bottom before you see XYZ." In this chapter, God is saying that once he strips Israel bare, and she finally feels the discomfort of lack of material things, she will hear God's voice. We can not love both God and things. If our hearts are filled with lust for material things, there is no room for God. You can't have it both ways.

God looks forward to the day Israel calls Him "husband" again. He looks forward to the day we turn to Him with the same love and affection we give to our earthly things. Not as a slave being forced to go one way or another, but as a lover with pure heart and open choice, a want/need/desire, freely given, to follow Him. He wants us to call to Him, "You are my God!" And our restoration would be complete. God is good.

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