Monday, April 27, 2020

Hosea 7

It is very easy for me to read these chapters, see Israel's troubles, and be able to relate them to our time now. We have all these books about our word and religion's history, we can see their struggles and their choices, and the consequences of those choices. I've always thought that history was written so we could learn from it. Not just learn and regurgitate for a test, but learn to not make the same mistakes again. Yet, here we are thousands of years later, and I see not much change from Israel's choices to our own world today. Try it. Read the passage and instead of Israel, substitute "we" or "the world."

Hosea 7:2 Yet they do not remind themselves that I remember all their wickedness.

The people of Israel willfully forgot that God saw all their choices. They tried to hide their sin, not realizing that God sees all. Just like I tell my children, "Mom may not have seen what happened here, but our God sees and knows." Pre-(or inter) marital affairs, getting drunk, doing drugs, choosing idols, pornography... These are things that happen (usually) behind closed doors, in secret. And they go to church, pretending those things didn't happen. But there is no secret from God.

I've been there. I used to get so frustrated with kids in my high school class that would be partying on Saturday nights, drinking, and then up in the front row of church praising God as if they didn't make poor choices the night before. Then I met my future husband. We made poor choices. And I was pregnant before our wedding day. So for months, I went to church acting as if I weren't making poor choices. And then the result of my choice became visible. And I realized I was just as hypocritical as those kids in high school. In the quiet of the dark, my choices were my secret. But then they were visible for everyone in the light of day. This was 10 years ago, and I still feel ashamed by my disobedience. Though I have a very beautiful, stubborn 10 year old daughter, I do wish I had listened better to my heart. Now I have the diligent task of speaking to her heart.

Hosea 7:1 When I would bring about the restoration of my people...
God was willing to heal Israel of their sins, if the people were willing to act as if God saw them and stop hiding things from Him.

With my children, I offer them the same grace. If they would choose to be open about the bad choice they made (sneaking candy after dinner for example), instead of trying to act like I didn't know (though i could see the wrappers on the floor and candy on their face), I would be willing to forgive them. But the outright lying is something I do not tolerate. And God doesn't like it either. Why would He like someone outright lying to Him, which is what Israel (and we still do) tried to do by trying to hide or conceal their sins.

Each night before bed, I pray the Act of Contrition, exposing myself as a sinner. Because I am. We all are. And the only way to have God restore us is to stop pretending we aren't. I don't want our world to follow the same path Israel did, but we are right on track. Until we stop pretending God doesn't see our very blatant lies and sins, we will not be restored in His love.

My God,
I am heartly sorry for having offended you. In choosing to do wrong, and failing to do good, I have sinned against you, whom I should love above all things.
I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.
Our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy. Amen.

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