Galatians 5:14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one statement, namely, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
In MT 22:38, 39, Jesus says in reference the Saducees asking him the greatest commandment, “You shall love the Lord, God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
How do we love our neighbor as ourselves? Well, first we need to know how to love ourselves. We do that in most regards daily by taking care of our needs in feeding ourselves, clothing ourselves, taking care of our hygiene. We go for a walk if we need space and time to think. We buy ourselves a special treat sometimes to make us fee good, or pamper ourselves in some way.
How can we use these same things to show love to someone else? A “neighbor” is not just our neighbor in property, but also anyone who needs our help. We can certainly help others meet basic needs by supporting can food or coat drives at local schools or churches, or bring to a local food pantry or homeless shelter. But we can go beyond that. Offer to babysit for free if you know someone who is a single parent that works a lot (or even two parents that work a lot because I know it happens) and might need a chance to run errands kids-free. Bring food to a family who just had a baby or just had a loss. Offer to visit (if even on the front porch 6’ apart) an elderly person who lives alone. And bring something to share with them as a treat. Or use money you have set aside to buy a spa gift card for a mom who needs time to feel pampered.
If we have children, teach them to love their neighbor as well. Talk to them about noticing who looks alone at recess and try to talk with those kids. Older kids can look and see if younger kids are standing alone and maybe go ask them about their day. Not to point that they are alone, just make conversation. We never know how such a simple act can change someone’s day.