Thursday, September 16, 2021

Be Mindful of Those in Need (Galatians 2:1-10)

Galatians 2:10 Only, we were to be mindful of the poor, which is the very thing I was eager to do. 

The collection for the poor was extremely important in Paul’s works. We are called to use God’s grace he has given us to show his works to others. Even when we think we are struggling, we have been blessed by God. That blessing should motivate us to help others. Think of Jesus’s story in Matthew of the widow who gave her two coins to the temple treasury. She had less than all the others, but she knew she had been blessed and wanted to share her blessing. 

In what ways can I give more of myself and share God’s graces? Do allow myself to think I am too busy to help others? God has given me so much, through the blessings of others. I am reminded of that during this hurricane season being back in the south. I see the destruction that the storms caused and I remember the blessings we received from those around us 16 years ago after Hurricane Rita. And I know that I need to share what I have that God has blessed us with now with those who have lost. 

Lord, I pray I never feel too busy to help others around me. I pray that I am open to your word of being mindful of the poor. Help my heart to always be willing. 

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