Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Babylon (Isaiah 13)

Isaiah 13:9 Lo, the day of the Lord comes, cruel, with wrath and burning anger; to lay waste the land and destroy the sinners within it!

In the chapter, Isaiah is prophesying the fall of Babylon. At the time of the prophecy, Babylon had long since been a prospering area, under many different kings, and had conquered many lands. The prophecy was going to use Babylon to take over Judah and the Israelites because of their lack of trust in God. But God also said he would bring Babylon down. At the time Isaiah finished his prophecies, it was around the year 685 BC, and the fall of Babylon to the Persians didn’t occur until around 539 BC. Then it was completely abandoned by 141 BC. So most of those who heard the prophecy of Babylon’s fall weren’t around to see it happen.  But they had to have faith that God would provide. 

In the same way as the Israelites had to believe that God would provide, we too are called to believe and have faith. We know their will be a final judgement day and that God will come and lay waste to the land and all the sinners with it. We do not know when that judgement will come. But we need to have faith that he will do as he said, and allow him to make judgement on those who need it. At the same time, we need to daily be cleansing our hearts so they are pure to receive Jesus. Daily we should examine our conscious and ask forgiveness for things that pull us away from God. We should never think, “Oh he isn’t referring to me.” Don’t let pride get in front of you, fooling you to think those sins don’t count. I need to humble myself daily and learn from the stories of the people in the Bible. God will take his anger out on those who choose to sin against him. I do not want to be caught in that wrath.

Oh Lord, humble my heart today, so I can see my shortcomings. As I examine my conscious and realize where I have failed you, let me have an open heart and truly ask for forgiveness. Thank you for the grace you have given me and will continue to give me. I pray for those who do not see their hate and therefore do not see your love. 

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