Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Where is your Focus? (Isaiah 23)

 Isaiah 23:9 The Lord of hosts has planned it, to disgrace all pride of majesty, to degrade all the earth’s honored men.

Here we have another example of a nation full of pride. There was a merchant city, and those who had successful businesses and wealth were honored above people who were loyal or honest. More importantly, they were honored above God. Throughout the last several chapters, we see God’s anger against nations that were prideful and kept people higher than God. They worshiped and honored people and things above God, which goes against the first commandment. 

Pride and self-glory are dangerous things. Your business title on earth more how much money your made gets you a better spot in heaven. How are you using that title and that money to glorify God? If we don’t want to face the same wrath that the people of Tyre, Babylon, Ethiopia, Egypt, and countless others did, we need to reconsider where our focus belongs. We need to put our lives back in perspective, and hold above all else. Now that we are at the start of Lent, it is a good time to refocus our heart. Think about “God what are you calling me to see,” instead of “what can I give up,” this Lent. Check out this BlessedIsShe Podcast for more:

Lord, I’m sorry that I have let other things come before you. You are the most important thing in my life, and I should always be willing to show it. Please continue to guide my path that you have set me upon, and I pray that you continue to walk with the other ladies in this study after we close this portion of Isaiah. 

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