Monday, June 1, 2020

Joel 4

As we finish Joel, we can reflect on his prophecies of the Ascension and Pentecost. God's plan was in place way before anyone knew. So his plan for us was in place way before we were born. No, this doesn't mean we have no power over what happens to us. God has a plan for us. He set up the path for us, to lead us to him. There are many mountains and valleys in this path, and we have to navigate through them. And some stumbles or distractions may cause us to fall away from the path. Sometimes temporarily, sometimes permanently. God wants to use us for something good. He wants to see us fruitful, faithful, and obedient to him. His plans for us are bigger than we could ever imagine. No matter what type of life we are born into, God loves us and wants us to fight for him.

God will bless his people. We are reminded at the end of Joel, that "the Lord is a refuge to his people (16)," and that when we reach Zion, "the mountains shall drip new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk (18)." We read that all our enemies will become a desert waste because of the blood in their land, and that God's people will abide forever. God will avenge any wrongdoings that have come upon us. Because he is good. He is faithful. He is loving.

We may hit many walls in life because the devil does not want God to succeed. The devil wants to use our failures to lure us away from God's promises. God never promised life would be easy, or that we would get everything we ever prayed for, or even get things as soon as we want them. God did promise the glory of heaven for those who stick with him no matter what we are tempted with. For those who choose to continue the fight and walk with God, they will see the land of milk and honey. This world is not the end. Our eternity lies in heaven. There will be wars and desolation we may have to endure on our way there, but God has fully equipped us. We just need to call on him.

A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey | The Layman's Bible

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