Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Lent 2021

 We have concluded another Lent season and are celebrating the Easter season! This Lent season was very full for us this year. We all made our sacrifices, though not as good as would have liked. This year, the kids and I made a sacrifice crown (instead of just doing beans in a jar for each sacrifice). They really enjoyed it and looked for ways to be able to remove a thorn from the crown. I used a salt dough to make ours instead of playdoh.

During Holy Week, we had our own washing of the feet, Last Supper and Passion Friday meals. We also watched the Great Adventure Stories The Easter Story, and the kids had a much better idea with the visual of Jesus's Passion. My youngest kept making great comments about how she had heard that in Mass the last week. I found all these ideas on catholicicing.org

For Easter, we did color eggs and I explained how eggs are a symbol of new life, just as Jesus's resurrection was. We did an egg "pocking" with those eggs, where you tap the ends of two eggs together and see whose egg doesn't crack. All eggs were turned into egg salad sandwiches. LOL We made some resurrection rolls and cookies for Easter morning. It was such a great week and I loved watching my kids grown in faith.

In the middle of Lent, during our kids Spring break, the kids and I drove down to Louisiana so I could drop the kids at my parents for a few days while Shawn and I (he flew into Lafayette) could drive over to Hattiesburg and look at houses there. We did come away with a contract on a beautiful house, that I have been praying over every day since. I know God is watching over us and will continue to take care of us throughout this entire moving chapter. 

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