Wednesday, October 30, 2019

1 Corinthians 10

1 Corinthians 10:13 No trial has come to you but what is human. God is faithful and will not let you be tried beyond your strength; but with the trial he will also provide away out, so that you may be able to bear it.

O: We were never promised to have an easy life on earth. Here is one of several places that tells us we will be tempted. But God is always with us, there to help us out of the temptation.

A: It’s easy for us to just say “I tried and I failed.” I know it is for me. An easy thing to relate to is sweets. I can’t have sweets atriums the house or I will eat them. I was tempted to eat some Thin Mint cookies yesterday. I told myself I didn’t need them, but before I knew it, I ate the whole role. God was giving me an out. The voice inside my head telling me not to. But I chose to eat them anyway.

Everything we do in life is a choice that we may. The devil didn’t make me eat those cookies. God didn’t make me eat them. God did try to help me walk away from them. I knew full and well I didn’t have to eat them. I chose to ignore the fact that they would give me terrible aches and ate them. It’s the same with other sins in our lives. God always is there, waiting to pull us away from them. The devil is also there, waiting to pull us in. It’s our choice which way we are going to go. 

K: Lord thank you for being there time and time again to pull me out of the fire. Thank you for all the gifts you have blessed me with. Thank you for loving me enough to stay by my side. 

"Paul warned the Corinthian church against idolatry and also against taking advantage of their Christian liberties.  All things may be lawful but are they helpful?  We are not to seek our own good but rather the good of our neighbor.  This takes great maturity, wisdom, sensitivity and sacrificial love.  Whatever we do, we must do to the glory of God.

God has given us great freedom and he wants us to enjoy all the good things he has created for us.  But we must never forget how our freedoms affect our neighbors.  God does not want us caught up in legalism and man-made rules, yet there are times when we must lay down our rights and liberties, out of love for our neighbor.  Sacrificial love is so needed in the church today, but more freedom is also needed in the church today as well.  Which way do you tend to swing, towards legalism or towards freedom? Is there an area in your life where it would be more loving for you to do something different?" (

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