Friday, September 4, 2020

Feeling like an outcast (Psalm 147)


Psalm 147:2 The Lord rebuilds Jerusalem, gathers the outcasts of Israel. 

Have you ever felt like an outcast? Like you didn’t fit in or didn’t belong? Whether because of financial lack, depression, or sickness? Has a disagreement at work set you apart from others? Have you ever felt like a backslider from the church, maybe because of wickedness you have done? There are so many reasons someone may see themselves as an outcast. 

I have been in a few of these situations. I have felt like a backslider for church, when I became pregnant before I was married. I felt like everyone could see the sin I had made, and that I was hypocritical for even going to Mass. Though I felt a saving grace by wearing my engagement ring as we were planning our wedding at that time. This outcast feeling was personal judgement. I never heard anyone in my church mention comments. It was inner turmoil that brought it on, because I know I had done wrong. I do know people back home did, but I didn’t live in my small hometown at that point. 

I have been on the “other side” at work from my colleagues, even though the side I was on defended work ethics and morality. It wasn’t fun being on the outside thought process, having my colleagues (who I thought were friends) ignore me or talk about me behind my back. I mean we all know “behind my back” never really stays behind. Someone always tells the wrong person, and it gets back to the accused. Which made me feel more outcast. 

All this to say, that in both issues, I finally let go of the situation and gave it to God. He heals the broken hearted. He heals the broken spirited. He gave us his only son, who died on the cross for us to forgive our sins. If God numbered the stars, and knew them by name (verse 4), he certainly knew me. In the first issue, I learned to forgive myself, though I will admit it took many, many years. But now I have a beautiful 10 year old daughter who is growing into a magnificent young lady. In the second, I learned that if I was defended work ethic that God instilled in me, then I was defending God’s work. I was fighting his fight. And if that meant I was an outcast or outsider, than so be it. 

If you are hurting because you feel like an outcast, remember the Lord loves you and wants to heal you. Let him in your heart. You are one of his stars. 

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