I don’t have a specific verse from this first chapter, but a segment that spoke to me. We read in verse 9 that King Ahaziah sent a captain with 50 men to Elijah, and they challenged him. They tried to put the power of their King over the power of Elijah as a prophet and the power of God. They underestimated God. So Elijah said, “If I am a man of God, may fire come down from heaven and consume you.” And it did. This happened a second time after Ahaziah sent out more men. When the third set of men went out to Elijah, the captain, instead of demanding Elijah come down, begged for the lives of his men. He humbled himself before Elijah and before God. He put his men before the king’s demands. He had heard what the Lord allowed to happen, and was fearful. Elijah did spare them and went to speak to Ahaziah.
When we have trouble in our lives and become demanding to get what we want, does it work out that way? What happens when you try to put something over God, do something instead of what you feel God is calling for you? I know for me, it ends up wrong. Instead of offering things up to God, I try to take control as usually stumble my way through the situation. But when I put others before me, when I put God before me, when I seek Him before my own needs, I find that the path is more clear. I do not stumble through.
God is the ultimate power. In these times of political disputes, we must remember to put our trust in God, not man. God will see the faithful and protect them in His ways and by His will.
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