Wednesday, July 6, 2022

God’s Word is Truth (2 Chronicles 18)

2 Chronicles 18 doesn’t have a specific verse for me today. Jehoshaphat makes an alliance with Ahab to go into battle. Jehoshaphat does take the time to ask for a prophet of the Lord to tell them if this is the right way to go or not. Micaiah comes and tells that Ahab is going to get killed, and Ahab is mad because he says Micaiah is always saying evil towards him. God is speaking through Micaiah and Ahab doesn’t like hearing negative things about him, even though they are truth.

The overall theme is piggybacking on the last several chapters. God’s word is truth and many people don’t want to hear it. They will try everything but still go against what we know to be truth. The culture today doesn’t want to hear the truth. They like being fed lies about themselves, about who they are, about others, about what is acceptable, about what is right, all because it makes them feel better. 

Even though it isn’t accepted easily and even though people will argue, we need to speak God’s truth. We need to be ready and armored to hear anger and hate. It’s not going to be pretty, not will it be comfortable. Jesus never said carrying God’s truth would be easy. Those people who argue are so fully wrapped in the lies they can’t see the way out. We need to help guide them through the jungle of lies, cutting each one so they can get to the light of righteousness. 

We are called to be speakers of truth, just as Micaiah was, even when the recipient doesn’t want to hear the truth. We are called to be more that the world wants us to be. 

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