Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Psalm 130

Psalm 130:1 Out of the depths I call to you Lord.

How many times have I cried out, “God please help!” In the midst of frustration, shouting, “Jesus!” More often than I care to think. Each time, he is there helping me move past the instant issue. It has been a while since I felt in a pit. Nowadays are mere potholes, but still. I know that when I am stuck, I can call out to God and he will hear me.

Psalm 130:5 I wait with longing for the lord, my soul waits for his word.

Sometimes, I don’t feel the help right away and I have to work through some things. But when I look back. I realize God was with me as I was working through them. His answers aren’t always in black and white, and not always what we want to hear. Maybe that’s why we don’t “hear” him sometimes? Because maybe we are blocking out everything we don’t want to hear? That’s a thought. Like the selective hearing my dad has with my mom. :)

But I am actively waiting. I am not waiting with doubt or suspicion. And I’m no longer just sitting around twiddling my thumbs while waiting on a phone call from God. I am praying, I am planting, I am growing in his Word.

There are sometimes dark times in our lives, where we are stuck in that pit and see no way out. We call for help, but no one comes. Those times hurt and they are hard. But I promise God is there. Ready for him, let him pull you out. Pray for him, cry out to him, let him hear your voice. God is the light in the darkness. And there is nothing you have done that he won’t forgive. You are not unworthy of his forgiveness. You are a child of God.

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