Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Psalm 139

There are so many wonderful things in this chapter today, it is hard to limit it to one verse. God is omnipotent, having unlimited power. He is ubiquitous, ever present. He is also omniscient, all knowing. This chapter focus is on God's omniscience. He knows every part of me. He know when I sit, stand, he understands my thoughts. He knows what I will do before I even do it. Yet he still allows me to make the choice. That is a fair God. As a parent, it is hard to see my kids make a mistake, knowing full well before hand that it would hurt. But I know that unless they make that mistake, they won't learn the lesson. (Side note, I WILL try to stop them from doing things that could seriously injure them.) I imagine God has done the "face-palm" motion many times after my actions thinking, "well, if you wouldn't have done that..."

We can't hide our mistakes from God. I remember my children, and even myself as a child, hiding in the bedroom when a mistake was made. I remember my brother trying to hide under the bed from my mom, and you could see his little socks barely sticking out the bottom. Enough for her to find him though! Our mistakes may happen in the dark so that no one is the wiser, but as this chapter reminds us, "darkness is not dark for you, and night shines as the day (v12)." It's never dark enough for God to find us. He does see our choices. Again, he knows what lays ahead of us. He won't stop us from making dumb choices. If he did, we wouldn't need this world to learn from. This reminds me of the story book, The Runaway Bunny. The young bunny wants to run away from the mother, and the mother reminds the young bunny that no matter where he goes, she will find him, because he is her baby. God is our fisherman. God is the wind that will sail us home.

Verse 13-16 are so beautiful. When you first feel your baby inside the womb start to move, you have a slight realization how magnificent God's plan is. To take a tiny lump of cells, and turn it into a human. How amazing is the human body? Have you really stopped to think about it? How our tendons work to pull muscles to move our arms to wave "hello?" God knew us before we were here on this earth. He knit us together in our mother's womb.  He helped mold those bones and tendons under our skin. He chose which characteristics from our parents DNA would show our parents through us. We are wonderfully made.

We are a precious design of our God's ultimate plan. He did not make a mistake when he made us. We each have a wonderful purpose on this earth. I love the Veggie Tales series, as I have pointed out many times before. They have one for that relates to this Psalm chapter, about Snoodlerella. It is similar to the Cinderella story, but the King tells her how special she is. That she is wonderfully made. Just as I am. Just as you are.

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