Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Psalm 135

Psalm 135:3 Praise the Lord; the Lord is good! Sing to God’s name, it is gracious!

We have so many things to praise God for, and this chapter shares several reasons from our biblical history we should be praising God. He brought the plagues to Egypt to get his people free. He struck down many nations that were against his people. He defended his people, and showed them mercy. He made the earth. He gave us life. What a blessing that is in itself! For that alone, we should praise his name every day.

Singing is wonderful to our souls. I love when I can sing with K-LOVE on the radio or in my shower. I turn it up loud enough that no one really hears how bad I sing, but I love to sing songs praising God.  I wish I could pick a favorite song, but this is the song in my head this morning after reading this chapter: At Your Name (Yahweh, Yahweh) by Phil  Wickham

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