Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Psalm 34:18

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

Sometimes we feel like we are carrying a heavy load. Like nothing seems to be going right. When we feel our hearts have broken, or that everyone has forgotten us, God draws closer to us. Even when we are at our worst, God wraps his arm around us and holds us close. He loves us always. He is the only one who can rebuild and restore us, the only one who can fill that brokenness. He is the true doctor, mender, repairer. 

During our darkest times, we need to look to God. The world is full of promises for the brokenhearted, but they are lies. Nothing and no one on this earth can fix our sadness, fill the emptiness, except God’s love. There is no magical surgery, no pill, nothing that can make ourselves whole again except God.

Lord, thank you for always staying near me, even in times when I pushed you away. I pray that I can bring your light with me today. 

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